La Barbacoa del Terramar

Passeig Marítim, 80 08870 Sitges Spain

+34 648 98 50 92

Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays and eve of 13h to 18h. Dissabtes, diumenges, festius i vigílies de 13h a 18h

Sitges Restaurant in the Hotel Terramar


The Terramar barbecue, restaurant noted for its rustic, simple and cozy, is located in a strategic location with superb views to the sea.
It specializes in grilled meat, meat and cheese fondues, grilled calçotadas and live music nights ideal for romantic dinners.


La Barbacoa del Terramar, restaurante que destaca por su decoración rústica, sencilla y acogedora, se ubica en un lugar estratégico con unas vistas inmejorables al mar.
Se especializa en parrilladas de carne, fondues de carne y quesos, calçotadas a la brasa y noches de música en vivo ideal para cenas románticas.


Visited 3003 times, 1 Visits today

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