Cafe-bar located in the busy and bustling centrel Sitges with wide range of spirits and cocktails during day & night
The real American burger plus cocktails of Magma with good music and very friendly staff
- American food & hamburgers in Sitges
- Sicilian Pizza, salads, smoothies and more
- Tastefully decorated and cozy lighting
- Big screen and television for sports enthusiasts
(all kinds of football games and other sport - Cocktails
- Outside seating & terrace
- Pool tables
- DJ
L’ Autentica hamburguesa americana més els coctels del Magma
Hamburgueses americanes, Pizza Siciliana, amanides, batuts i molt més. També una gama àmplia de cocteleria. Terrasses, taules de billar, bona música i personal molt amable. Visiteu-nos al Magma i gaudiu de l’autèntica cuina americana a Sitges.
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938 94 00 12
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