Visited 2279 times, 1 Visits today

Lady Green Biovegetarian
Carrer de Sant Pau, 11 08870 Sitges, Barcelona, Spain
+34 938 10 72 45
Hours Tue - Sun 13:00 - 17:00 Tue - Sat 19:00 - 23:45
Carrer de Sant Pau, 11 08870 Sitges, Barcelona, Spain
+34 938 10 72 45
Hours Tue - Sun 13:00 - 17:00 Tue - Sat 19:00 - 23:45
Visited 2279 times, 1 Visits today
Avinguda del Port d'Aiguadolç, 08870 Sitges
Pizzas and pastas in idyllic setting in Port of Aiguadolç with two dining terraces and a chill out terrace with an extensive menu of the best natural… Read more…
+34 938 11 00 70
Carrer de l'Illa de Cuba, 35 08870 Sitges, Barcelona, Spain
Restaurant from 20.30 to 23.30 hrs Tuesday Closed for weekly rest
El Xalet, Sitges Hotel Hotels Hoteles Restaurants Restaurant Restaurantes Restaurante
+34 938 94 10 86
Paseo Ribera, 1 08870 Sitges, Barcelona, Spain
Open every day except on the night of December 24th
Fragata, Sitges Hotel Hotels Hoteles Restaurants Restaurant Restaurantes Restaurante
+34 648 98 50 92
Passeig Marítim, 80 08870 Sitges Spain
Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays and eve of 13h to 18h. Dissabtes, diumenges, festius i vigílies de 13h a 18h
La Barbacoa del Terramar Sitges Hotel Hotels Hoteles Restaurants Restaurant Restaurantes Restaurante
Av. Camí de Miralpeix, 12, Sitges 08870, ES
Schedule: Monday - Friday from 7 am to 10 am Saturday, Sunday and bank holidays from 8 am to 10.30 am Themed Grilled Nights (from June to September, check dates)
Restaurant Verema Dolce Sitges Hotel Hotels Hoteles Restaurants Restaurant Restaurantes Restaurante
93 894 35 16
Carrer de l'Illa de Cuba, 39, Sitges
Great cuisine and a friendly atmosphere